Bulk balango seeds on market

Medicinal herb Balango is a plant referred to as “Balango” in Persian and traditional medicine books. This herb belongs to the mint family, is an annual herb, as short as a wajib and has opposite leaves, smells like basil leaves and is toothless. Balango flowers are blue, rarely yellowish-white. The fruit of the balango plant is round and large, brown in color, and the balango seeds are longer than the basil seeds. For more information about Bulk balango seeds on the market, visit our site.

Bulk balango seeds on market

Bulk balango seeds usages

Bulk balango seeds usages The seeds are dark oval in color, the entire surface is covered with numerous small cavities and has two completely different ridges and inner surfaces. The dorsal surface is convex with four or five inconspicuous longitudinal lines, and the inner surface has a prominent longitudinal protrusion in the middle. These grains belong entirely to the following two types:

1- With Shirazi Langui: small grains on the inner surface and its narrower part, just above the mid-upturned line and the tip edge, a small round ridge and a white button (Where grain attaches to the ovary axis) and other the tip is convex and has a depression. Diarrhea occurs due to the secretion of mucus from the seeds of balango. In this case, it is better not to take any action to stop diarrhea. Because after 2-3 days, diarrhea stops on its own. This type of diarrhea without anal and nausea is a sign of excess mucus in the gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly, you should try to empty the gastrointestinal tract of sputum.

But if you notice that you are making less sour by eating balango eggs, it is a sign that coldness (coldness) dominates the stomach, especially if the menstrual cycle or sour tummy has decreased. Accordingly, treatment should be based on warming and warming the stomach. If salivation decreases with the use of balango, it is a sign that moisture is dominant and the balango seed is breaking it down. And if digestion has improved after eating balango eggs and you have felt that your stomach has become lighter after the meal, and on the other hand, you do not feel heaviness after eating and you are cheerful instead, this is a sign that you have a digestive system. problems and should strengthen the stomach.

Balango seeds dilute a runny nose, so by consuming this syrup, you can reduce the discharge from the back of your throat. You may also feel very hot in the body after consuming it, so you are prone to hot flashes. Another thing that happens after eating balango eggs is that you feel dry mouth, which is a sign of a dry mood or dry phlegm in the stomach. Balango seeds are glazed like basil seeds and syrup seeds. This grain forms a viscous and thick liquid in contact with water. To take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of balango, balango glaze is consumed by pouring into water. One of the best properties of Balango is the treatment of colds.

This herb is also used to calm the nerves and clear the lungs. In addition to the properties of balango for the lungs, this plant prevents inflammation of sinusitis. Many people suffer from sinusitis in the cold season. By consuming balango, this risk is eliminated. One of the symptoms of the common cold is a sore throat. Sore throat usually occurs in the first days of a cold and is very annoying. Drinking warm liquids helps treat sore throat and reduce its inflammation. The combination of balango, hot water and honey is a great drink to relieve a sore throat. The properties of balango are prescribed for the treatment of sore throat and colds.

It is better to consume it as syrup. This syrup contains many antioxidants. Balango herbal medicine can relieve cold symptoms in a short time. In the cold season, it is recommended to use balango to prevent the occurrence of colds. Balango drink relieves phlegm in the back of the throat and is a good way to prevent colds. It is one of the few herbal remedies for children. The properties of Balango are very beneficial for the lungs and their excretion. For more information on balango seeds wholesale visit our site.

Bulk balango seeds on sale

Bulk balango seeds on sale In our company, Bulk balango seeds on sale, and we also distribute this product all over the country at an affordable price, so that it has high quality and many customers.

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